Our Story:
Crestwood Heights Academy will start our first year August of 2025 and we, as leaders, could not be more excited. The thoughts and dreams of this school began years before as children and families fell in love with the Charlotte Mason Philosophy of education and had a desire for this type of education to continue through higher education. We provide a well-rounded education that nurtures a love for learning and worship. Recognizing a lack of similar educational opportunities in Birmingham, we were inspired to create Crestwood Heights Academy.
We are currently offering grades 7th-12th beginning in Fall 2025.
Our school hours are as follows:
Monday through Thursday classes on campus 8:30-2:15. Friday 8:30-12:30 with in-person electives and/or at-home options.
Our Mission:
Crestwood Heights Academy desires to provide a Christ-centered learning program where students can grow in both knowledge and character. We seek to provide a whole-person education designed to meet students where they are, and guide their progress with special attention to each student’s unique areas of gifting.
Crestwood Heights Academy is founded on these principles:
The knowledge of God is the beginning of Wisdom.
Fellowship with God is the basis of true community.
Each student is uniquely created by God as a whole person- physical, intellectual, social and spiritual.
CHA encourages a growth mindset, while fostering a close working relationship among teacher, student and parents. We will foster an environment of discipline, perseverance and loving respect for ourselves and others. The teachers and staff will provide an atmosphere of trust and integrity, shepherding its participants towards a closer relationship with God.
We seek to provide academic enrichment in a relational manner — offering a feast of beautiful, living literature in a close knit community. We hope to instill a lifelong love of learning, and confidence in each student’s identity as a beloved child of God.
CHA will work to give each student needed academic skills, as well as practical life skills they will need to succeed at home, work and church; in society and the world. All state required academic standards will be met with options for dual enrollment.
Our administration and curriculum are guided by the principles and values revealed in the Bible, recognizing God as the Creator of all things, and Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Savior of all who acknowledge Him as Lord. The administration of CHA is in complete agreement with God’s standard as revealed through His Word as the only legitimate standard by which one may live a righteous, fulfilling and peaceful life.
The Charlotte Mason Philosophy:
Crestwood Heights Academy follows the education philosophy created by Charlotte Mason, a British educator in the early 1900s. The Charlotte Mason Philosophy believes that all children are created as persons full of ideas and that education should foster a love of learning, help grow life habits, and be attentive to the whole person. Children will learn from “living books” that creates a relationship for all students with what they are learning, the use of narration, and a focus on nature and the arts. Charlotte Mason believed that education was “an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life”.